Legal Information


bagobag GmbH

Berliner Strasse 69
13189 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0) 30 47 37 29 10-0
Fax: +49 (0) 30 44 03 42 54

Fax fee information: 030 47 37 29 100


Map: Here you can find us


Managing partners:
Zoriana Wettreck and Carsten Wettreck
Registered office: Berlin
Charlottenburg Local Court
HRB 114574 B
Tax number: 1137/129/21235
VAT-Id-No.: DE814993833

Texts, contents and design of this website are protected by copyright. They may be used, distributed or reproduced (e.g. download) within the narrow limits of copyright law for personal, private and non-commercial use. Any other use, even in part, without the written consent of bagobag GmbH is contrary to copyright law and punishable by law. In particular, any use for advertising or similar purposes is expressly prohibited. Furthermore, even with the prior written consent of bagobag GmbH, any reproduction or distribution of the site or its contents is only permitted in conjunction with a reference to the source or a clear reference to bagobag GmbH. Even if trademarks, logos or business designations etc. are used, the corresponding protection regulations apply.

bagobag GmbH has carefully created this website. However, bagobag GmbH cannot guarantee the completeness, correctness and up-to-dateness of the information provided here, which is legally non-binding. This applies in particular to links to which bagobag GmbH refers directly or indirectly, as bagobag GmbH has no influence on the content of a page reached by such a link. bagobag GmbH can therefore not be held liable for any damages in connection with the use of such content, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of bagobag GmbH, its representatives or its agents. In particular, bagobag GmbH cannot be held liable for indirect or consequential damages, especially damages due to data deletion or data destruction. As far as information is made accessible by linking to other servers, bagobag GmbH points out that a content control does not take place. In no case bagobag GmbH is liable for foreign information, to which bagobag GmbH only mediates the access (§ 9 Abs. 1 TDG). Also an automatic short-time intermediate storage of foreign information on the servers of bagobag GmbH is considered as access mediation according to § 11 Abs. 2 TDG. For foreign information, which bagobag GmbH stores permanently for a user, bagobag GmbH can only be held responsible, if bagobag GmbH has knowledge of the illegal action or information and bagobag GmbH did not act immediately to remove the information or to block access to it (§ 11 TDG). There is no obligation on the part of bagobag GmbH to regularly check such external information for its possible illegality (§ 8 para. 2 TDG).

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (OS), which you can find here We are not obliged or willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.